This month we asked Studio Harris Blondman which images they think deserve a closer look. Studio Harris Blondman is Harry Bloch and Joris Landman’s graphic design studio, and was founded in 2013. We especially ♥️ their playful approach to screen-based design, which often leaves us feeling slightly discombobulated, in a good way.
“We collect images about how technology changes the way we see things. This Nikon P900 Superzoom shot by Claus Eckert is a great example. The recording beautifully visualizes the growing ubiquity and range of cameras, and our changing perspectives.” By @Claus.Eckert

“We love motion-triggered or otherwise automated wildlife photography. It allows us to see the natural behavior of wild animals, which would be disturbed by human presence.” Via Reddit user jalogan1
“This video is interesting to us because it connects technology, images, and politics. We’re also strangely attracted by the pragmatically produced graphics and the unintentional motion design of these possibly fake censored recordings of sporting events.” Source unknown
“We guess this stabilized nipple-tracking selfie video by Jake Alewel was made with a phone gimbal and some type of pattern recognition software. We think it’s very interesting that software, rather than hardware, has become the most important feature of a camera.” By @_the_jake_ via @ifyouhigh