
Pizza Prompt Memory

What would “a pizza formed like earths continents” or “A painting of the style of Manet of a bunch of people on pizza” look like? With strange descriptions related to pizza on the cards, Pizza Prompt Memory is not your usual memory game. Can you match the weird text to the funny, gross, or bizarre picture generated by AI? Give it a try and see if all those hours spent with ChatGPT and DALL-E have worked your memory muscles. You might even find that the prompt* that generated the image might not correspond as straightforwardly to the image as you think.

With generative AI becoming increasingly popular, prompt engineering has become a must-have skill. To better work together with AI, learning how to communicate with these tools is fundamental. Our Pizza Prompt Memory game is a playful way to become more prompt savvy, without the need for computer processing power.

*A prompt is a snippet of text given to an AI language model to generate a response, such as an image.

Update your prompt skills with Pizza Prompt Memory!

The Pizza Prompt Memory game consists of 48 cards and comes in an appetising bag. Order it now via our webshop!


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