Dossier 0: Archive

A User’s Guide to Not Getting Used

About Anna: Anna Reutinger is a sculptor originally from California, living and working in Berlin. Reutinger’s work subverts the position of the digital-native-global-citizen by soothing digitally induced anxieties and providing coping mechanisms to apocalyptic inevitabilities through a return to craft and empathy. She received her M.F.A. in Dirty Art from the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, and her B.A. in Design Media Arts and Digital Humanities from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). Her work has been exhibited at the Saint Etienne Biennale, FR; Jan van Eyck Academie, W139, Ram Foundation, De Fabriek, NL; Macao, Milan, IT; The Hammer Museum, The Getty Center, The New Wight Gallery, Chin’s Push and Control Room, Los Angeles, US.